Welcome to Max Allegra Corporation Ltd
Max Allegra Corporation LtdMax Allegra Corporation LtdMax Allegra Corporation Ltd
(Mon - Saturday)
Max Allegra Corporation LtdMax Allegra Corporation LtdMax Allegra Corporation Ltd


A technology partner. Not just a provider.

At Vilacroft, we specialize in the creation of innovative  mobile apps, AR-VR Development, Game Development, Blockchain Development and much more.  Our skilled team & our products are engineered to bring growth to your business. We believe in delivering the services without compromising on time and quality.

Every app we create is designed and developed to suit each individual client. We offer consultancy and guidance throughout the entire process from the initial idea through to launch. With protection via our mutual NDA we’ll help you validate the feasibility and help structure a roadmap to bring your ideas to life.

Our Service

IT Consultancy
Game Development
Software Development

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